President Joe Biden said Friday that he is planning to request more money from Congress to develop another new coronavirus vaccine, as scientists track new waves and hospitalizations rise, though not like before

  • mrnotoriousman
    11 year ago

    “I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but am going to post multiple comments saying we shouldn’t keep making new vaccines because they would cost a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of US spending.”

    • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
      11 year ago

      I am not trying to be antagonistic. I genuinely want to know, and you’re the only person that has responded to me.

      Why is it that when I point out that eventually we are going to be paying for these vaccines no one responds anymore?

      The cheapest flu vaccine I could find was $40. Flu vaccines have been around for decades. Plus when I asked the pharmacist how much a flu vaccine costs. He said “if you don’t have insurance we can probably get it down to about $40”.

      I’m not going to be able to afford 4 $100 corona vaccines for my family.

    • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
      11 year ago

      What? When I said how much it will cost the American people. I meant individually. How much will it cost ME to get the new vaccine? I can’t afford a tooth filling, and if you think corona vaccines will be free forever. You are sorely mistaken.

    • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
      11 year ago

      Why would I be wanting socialized healthcare (see first comment)? Then be concerned about what the government spends on developing a new vaccine.