The shooter, a white man, killed three people after writing messages of hatred for Black people. He killed himself after opening fire in a dollar store.

A white gunman fatally shot three Black people in hate-motivated shooting at a Dollar General retailer in Jacksonville on Saturday afternoon, Sheriff T.K. Waters said.

“This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people,” the sheriff said at a news conference. “He wanted to kill n------.”

  • Fades
    2 years ago

    Fuck off, trump has done more to bring racism and fascism to the forefront than anyone else in recent history.

    Racism, sexism and bigotry have gotten bolder in his wake, we’ve seen violence in his name, pelosi’s husband for example, as well as violence for other conservative beliefs like white replacement theory bullshit which absolutely was pushed by trumps friends like tucker (who famously hates his guts)

    But yeah go on, trump is just a product of his environment :(. He holds no accountability I guess