Tests of seawater near Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant have not detected any radioactivity, the environment ministry said on Sunday (Aug 27), days after authorities began discharging into the sea treated water used to cool damaged reactors.

Japan started releasing water from the wrecked Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday, sparking protests within Japan and neighbouring countries, in particular China, which banned aquatic product imports from Japan.

Japan and scientific organisations say the water is safe after being filtered to remove most radioactive elements except for tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    On one hand it’s weird how people are so upset about this, on the other these morons were talking about radioactive fallout hitting the US right after the tsunami hit. They aren’t the brightest bulbs.

    • Freeman
      141 year ago

      Yeah it mostly seems reactionary nonsense.

      Like you ca. swim at the top of a pool in a tractor coolant tank. Water is very cool at diffusing radioactivity (if that’s the right term, it’s probably not).

      Heck we have legit crashed nuclear subs at the bottom of the ocean, and places we have just straight dumped waste much more potent than this water.
