This one speaks to me on multiple levels.

It’s a reason I dropped my scepticism of medication and went to get a diagnosis and subsequent prescription. I am glad I did - and that it worked first try. (It’s not guaranteed anything would, depending on unknown factors and probably autism also influences the effectiveness)

I can confirm: At first, it really feels that way. But now, half a year later, it balanced out a little and I am only medium fast. Still - much improvement compared to before.

(Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, do not mistake for such)

edit: Artist, I believe, is Toivo Kaartinen, creator of Foxes in love

  • @SadSadSatellite
    71 year ago

    I’m on my first week of vivance and loving it. My head has never been so quiet. Before, it’s like my ears were always ringing and drowning out everything I tried to focus on. Now, all my different thoughts are still there, but I CHOOSE which ones I’m paying attention to. I should have been on meds 20 years ago.