In the South East, they bring you sweetened (usually far too sweetened for my tastes) iced tea. This is amazingly universal.

I live in NC and have been probing the border for years.

For “nicer” restaurants, the universal sweet tea boundary seems to be precisely at the NC/VA border.

  • @waterbogan
    1 year ago

    I get hot tea, unsweetened. New Zealand. I would probably get a couple of sachets of sugar to sweeten my tea if I want to, or they’ll be in a container at the counter or on the table

    Very few places here would even have iced tea, especially the sweetened varieties, and you would definitely have to specify it. Only at some “nicer” restaurants would you even have a chance of finding it, most fast food chains or buffet type places wont have it with the exception of some Asian places

    I remember some years back staying in a hotel in New Jersey as a part of a wedding party that had gathered mostly from the UK and Commonwealth countries. I asked for tea on arrival, and they had none. When I came down for breakfast in the morning, there was a box full of tea at the breakfast buffet that had obviously just arrived by courier and just been opened up, management must have ordered it overnight for urgent delivery for all the English and Australasian guests, it must have taken them unawares