What the title says, I’m tired of the trope where humans are the least advanced in the universe.

I’d like to read something different where we’re the more advanced ones (not necessarily the most advanced). As an example I quite enjoyed the Ender’s Game sequels and the angle of us being the more advanced ones was quite interesting.

Do you have any recommendations?

  • SociallyIneptWeeb
    32 years ago

    40K doesn’t really fit. While humanity isn’t the least advanced civilization in that universe, it’s also far from technological dominance (especially considering 10 000 years of stagnation following Horus’ Hoolabooga). I mean, even the vagina faced fish are more advanced than the Imperium!

    • @ImpossibilityBox
      22 years ago

      It took me way to long to figure out you were talking a out the Tau. I have never heard them described like that and will never be able to look at them the same again.

      • SociallyIneptWeeb
        02 years ago

        It’s a combination of two common jokes about them. The vagina-face one is pretty obvious (y’know, the slit), as far as I know, the fish joke comes from the designations for their vehicles (although these are in-universe Imperial designations, kinda like the Hind is a NATO designation for a Soviet aircraft)