• @magnusrufus
    1 year ago

    The civility of explaining how I would change gun laws? What on earth do you think civility means? You almost sounds like an AI speaking in patterns that sound like conversations but with no understanding of the actual words. I already said if you started behaving we could talk about other stuff

    What political view of yours did I already make up?

    I didn’t dismiss that bi_tux is a gun owner. Again what nonsense is this? Him being a minority gun owner is the foundation of this entire thread.

    That the Jacksonville victims were gunned down by a legal gun owner that didn’t care if his victims were armed or not backs up bi_tux not you. Minorities, armed or not, are the targets of lethal violence. Them not being armed didn’t save them. The fear and hate that causes the violence of shooting random people belonging to minority groups at stores or on door steps is there regardless of if minorities are armed or not.

    You haven’t clarified anything. You’ve jumped to about ten different topics. State clearly and concisely how bi_tux is the cause of black children getting shot in the face.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Sorry, you’ll have to flaunt your dogshit reading comprehension elsewhere, there’s been another mass shooting.