• @jarfil
      1 year ago

      Rural areas… that’s reasonable.

      But see, I live in Spain, most of Spain is “rural areas” except on the coast and a few larger cities inland:

      • USA: 120.5 guns per 100 people, 17.3% living in rural areas
      • Spain: 7.5 guns per 100 people, 18.8% living in rural areas

      There are maybe 1 gun per 3 people in rural areas in Spain, probably fewer because some city folk also have them, yet those are enough to protect against the wildlife.

      What kind of aggressive wildlife would the US have, that would require 6 guns per person? A velocirraptor infestation? 😉

      (actually… wasn’t one of the dangers in the US, to meet a bear or a cougar… which guns do nothing against?)