California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday against the Chino school district, ordering an end to a policy that requires notifying parents if their children change their gender identity, alleging it is discriminatory and violates civil rights and privacy laws.

The “parental notification” policy, which has been proposed by a handful of conservative-leaning districts in California, puts transgender and gender-nonconforming students in “danger of imminent, irreparable harm” by potentially forcibly “outing” them at home before they’re ready, according to the lawsuit.

  • @luckyhunter
    -441 year ago

    Crazy. Schools are there to work for the parents, not hide things from them. If child abuse is suspected they are required to report it to police. If any teacher tried to hide something like this from me about my kid I’d report them for child abuse.

    • @utopianfiat
      571 year ago

      No, schools work for the children, not the parents.

      • @affiliate
        1 year ago

        reading posts like the one you’re replying to, and hearing the ways many conservatives talk about children, makes me think they don’t want kids so much as they want to be “parents”. it doesnt seem as though many of them like or respect their kids, so much as they view having kids as a necessary part of the atomic family and “good conservative living”. having kids is like having an F150, you’re just supposed to have them. and like trucks, it’s annoying when they have problems or when they don’t perfectly match the ideas parents had about what kids are “supposed to be”.

        i think this is why it’s so inconceivable for them that schools should work for the children. the mechanic works on the truck, but it doesn’t work for the truck.

        • @dragonflyteaparty
          121 year ago

          It’s exactly that. The kids are an accessory. Not someone to love and nurture. Someone to subjugate.

      • @luckyhunter
        -361 year ago

        No, I pay the bill, not my kids. That goes for public schools or private schools.

        • PorkSoda
          351 year ago

          No, everyone pays the bill.

          • Tygr
            -201 year ago

            You saying “no” is incorrect because they are part of the everyone you mention.

            Also, everyone does not pay the bill. Only homeowners and renters (taxes baked into their rent cost). Let’s not forget how many people are homeless (and growing).

          • @luckyhunter
            -211 year ago

            And you are free to tell your children’s teachers whatever you want.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          301 year ago

          I am childless and I also pay for public schools to teach students. I don’t pay for them to out children to abusive parents like you want.

        • htrayl
          201 year ago

          We all “pay the bill” because educating children is a moral requirement for humanity.

          It’s not a service you are paying for for yourself. That is warped sense of morality.

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          Whoa, everybody check out this guy, he pays taxes. Let us all bow down in his presence.

          Everybody pays taxes, buddy. Paying taxes doesn’t entitle you to an army of snitches spying on your kids. If you want to learn about your kid’s life, maybe you should talk to your kids instead of relying on strangers to do it for you.

        • @utopianfiat
          51 year ago

          Children are human beings and human beings aren’t property and you don’t get the right to control their entire lives because you pay for their basic needs.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      361 year ago

      Why would your child be so terrified of you that they don’t want to tell you their gender?

      • @luckyhunter
        -321 year ago

        They wouldn’t. They know if anyone tries to tell them to keep a secret from Mom and Dad that person is bad person.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          311 year ago

          They know if anyone tries to tell them to keep a secret from Mom and Dad

          And who is telling them that in this situation?

        • darq
          1 year ago

          They know if anyone tries to tell them to keep a secret from Mom and Dad that person is bad person.

          But that isn’t what is happening in this situation. The teachers are not telling the child to keep a secret. The child is asking the teachers to keep a secret. It’s literally the opposite situation.

          • @luckyhunter
            -191 year ago

            That’s true, and it’s the teacher’s duty to report any change of behavior to the administration and parents. Imagine your kid coming home with a black eye, and when you call the school to ask WTF happened they responded “we don’t have to tell you.”

            • darq
              191 year ago

              Hang on. You completely mischaracterised the situation in your previous comment, but then when that is pointed out to you, you just continue on without acknowledging that you had the situation completely backwards?

              No. Acknowledge that you previous argument was nonsense.

              Imagine your kid coming home with a black eye

              Why are you imagining a completely different situation and pretending that it is relevant to what is happening here?

              A child trying out a different name or pronouns is not harmful to the child or anyone else. A child suffering physical abuse is.

            • @SheeEttin
              31 year ago

              A black eye is direct harm. If you’re suggesting that being gay is equally a direct harm to a person, then you’re just an objectively bad person.

              • @luckyhunter
                -41 year ago

                I’m not suggesting anything. I’m clearly stating that withholding information from parents about their children makes you a monster.

        • DessertStorms
          151 year ago

          The kids are the ones asking for a secret, their secret, to be kept from you (and I don’t even mean the general you, I mean specifically you, because you’ve made it clear you view your kids, if you even have any, as your property, and any child to a parent like that would be keeping more secrets from you than you will ever be willing to admit), not the teacher, so as if your point wasn’t weak enough already, you’re literally making no sense at all at this point.

          • @luckyhunter
            -211 year ago

            And it’s the duty of a teacher to report any change of behavior to the parents and administration.

            • @dragonflyteaparty
              151 year ago

              Ok, so the kid was always trans. No change of behavior. Therefore no report. Right?

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              So if a kid decides he likes strawberry milk instead of chocolate milk, that needs to be reported to parents and administration? If a kid makes a new friend who happens to be of a different race, should that be reported to parents and administration? Where do you draw the line in your ridiculous fantasy?

              When are the teachers supposed to find time to teach if they’re spending the entire class writing reports because little Billy has a new favorite color and little Sarah decided she doesn’t like My Little Pony anymore?

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              It’s the duty of a teacher to nurture their students and keep them safe, and that should absolutely include keeping them safe from their own parents. Any teacher that feels otherwise is not someone you should trust with your kids.

        • @SheeEttin
          131 year ago

          Cool, so this isn’t about you then.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Not letting kids have any secrets or privacy in their lives is not good for them. You have to teach them the difference between harmful secrets that they shouldn’t keep, like when someone else is hurting them, and secrets that are safe and acceptable to keep for themselves, such as something personal that they should only tell people if they feel comfortable doing so willingly like whether they are trans or gay. You’re not teaching your kids to not keep secrets if you think forcefully outing them is in any way appropriate or acceptable, you’re teaching them to get better at hiding things from you. You should be teaching them to feel safe coming to you when they are ready because they trust you to let them do so on their own terms, not because they were forced to. Kids that aren’t allowed to have any secrets are far more likely to keep things from their parents, because they learn that they aren’t allowed to choose when and who to tell something based on whether they feel comfortable or safe doing so, and so keeping secrets becomes a way for them to take back that sense of security and control that you haven’t allowed them to have. If they don’t feel safe telling you something like this themselves, then that’s because you’re the one doing something wrong, not them, and it should be up to you to repair that broken trust. But forcing the secret out of them against their will is only going to further destroy any remaining trust they may have had in you, and teach them to never be open and honest with you because you’ve shown them that you are untrustworthy.

    • darq
      1 year ago

      Crazy. Schools are there to work for the parents, not hide things from them.

      If the child felt safe at home, their parents would likely already know.

      If child abuse is suspected they are required to report it to police.

      Firstly, the abuse could start after the parent’s are notified, at which point it is too late. But secondly you and I both know that this is absolutely not how things actually shake out in the real world. Parents regularly get away with abusing their children, even more so when the abuse is not physical.

      If any teacher tried to hide something like this from me about my kid I’d report them for child abuse.

      Then I hope you face consequences for spurious reporting.

      (edit: apostrophe’s!)

    • @dragonflyteaparty
      151 year ago

      Please explain to me how this specific instance of not outing a child is abuse.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You know that the children in these situations will be abused before the situation can be investigated, right? That child abuse has to occur, before it can be reported? What will trigger the abuse is snitching on children. For what, wearing a dress? Painting their nails? Growing a mustache? Coming out to your family is an intensely personal thing that should always ALWAYS be the choice of the person coming out, ESPECIALLY if they are a child. Schools should put the KIDS first, the school isn’t there for the parents, it’s there for the kids, and if you think that violating the consent of trans kids is okay because “you can just report abuse!” as if that is always effective and can always be proven and will always result in the kids being saved, then you’re naive at best and complicit at worst. Get the fuck over yourself. Your kid’s sense of safety and consent and comfort should ALWAYS come first for you. The fact that it doesn’t is fucking disgusting.