“He did it baby! We’re going to celebrate his Nosantaday on saturday! I’m so proud of him!”

  • @AllonzeeLVOP
    1 year ago

    I agree. It boggles my mind though how legions of kids have this same experience, yet never apply the same logic to their even more fantastical family deity of choice.

    How does a kid who realized Santa doesn’t exist still turn into a Bible thumper somehow?

    Sneaky Dude who can deliver gifts to everyone on Earth in 1 night? Thats ridiculous!

    Invisible Dude that just willed all of creation into existence? Oh shit, I better get on their good side!

    • UziBobuzi
      41 year ago

      I couldn’t agree more. It was the whole Santagate thing that helped me become an atheist. Though the same year i figured out there was no Santa I decided to try church on for a while. It didn’t stick.