I also want to reiterate that we are continuing to read and discuss all of your feedback. With that in mind, we are planning to adjust the number of Wizard’s Vault daily objectives. Our current plan is to add another objective without raising the number required for “completing” your daily. So you’ll still need to complete four objectives, but you’ll have another choice to the list in order to give you additional flexibility. This will be part of the September 12 game update mentioned in the post last week. We’ll continue to evaluate feedback both now and then.

Hoping they’ll make things auto complete I keep forgetting to click claim…

  • Sepredia
    32 years ago

    I think Valdhertz bugs because people stomp through it too quickly and kill things before certain internal events get to run, stalling the entire thing. Completing it yesterday with one other person and thankfully we successfully completed the daily.

    However, adding an additional option is a good idea and I look forward to it, as there are objectives I’ve not wanted to do.