Hey, Dickheads (why, @ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝, why? )!

Didja hear that there’s a TV series based on PKD’s The Man In The High Castle?

Yeah, yeah, small joke. I know it’s existed, over and done with. What I’d like to know from all 111 of you is whadja think? Did you like it, loathe it, meh’d it?

I followed it up into the 2nd season, I believe, or up into the introduction of Burn Gorman’s character and then I was out. AFAIC, I allowed it a lot of leeway but it couldn’t sustain the interest.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    It was an interesting show in the first season but less so if you watched it after 2016. And wow did the ending make the rest of the show feel dumb. I don’t think I’ve seen many finales that retroactively made the series worse.