Sorry for the headline. I don’t know why they don’t just say it’s Vivek Ramaswamy.

To that end, I will accept Russian control of the occupied territories and pledge to block Ukraine’s candidacy for NATO in exchange for Russia exiting its military alliance with China. I will end sanctions and bring Russia back into the world market. In this way, I will elevate Russia as a strategic check on China’s designs in East Asia.

  • @dhork
    111 year ago

    I think it’s because the current incarnation of Russia is their dream form of governance: a veneer of democracy, over an Oligarchy, where the ones with the most money end up making all the rules. (It’s critical to note that most of these Republicans think of themselves as Oligarchs-in-training.) And a populace which is used to all that, and won’t question things, at least openly. A place where you can make your opposition just go away by saying they are corrupt, and locking them up in Siberia.

    And a place where it you want to whip up some nationalist unity, you just start a war for no good reason. (Well, at least on this point, Dubya gave the Republicans a head start).