Republicans have waged a decades-long battle to blow up the campaign-finance laws that rein in big-money spending. Now, they are making a play that could end in their biggest victory since the Citizens United ruling in 2010.

The GOP is growing increasingly optimistic about their prospects in a little-noticed lawsuit that would allow official party committees and candidates to coordinate freely by removing current spending restrictions. If successful, it would represent a seismic shift in how tens of millions of campaign dollars are spent and upend a well-established political ecosystem for TV advertising.

An eventual victory in the lawsuit, filed last November by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee, would eliminate the need for House and Senate campaign committees of any party to set up separate operations to make so-called independent expenditures to boost candidates with TV ads.

  • @SCB
    1 year ago

    Cool! Come join my team and let’s get shit done. Here’s my top 10.

    1: federal ban on rent control and single family zoning. Ideally, end all zoning and let the market sort it out

    2: free trade agreements with all non-sanctioned trade partners

    3: immigration reform - you set foot on US soil and you’re on a path to citizenship. End all deportations except for those on the path that also commit specified crimes

    4: 0% corporate tax rate. Failing that, corporate taxes as low an international pressures allow

    5: raise income taxes on the top 3 quintiles, and raise capital gains taxes, progressively. Increase property taxes substantially via adding a new federal property tax of X% of the unimproved value of the land.

    6: federal ban on drug testing except in the case of injury or malpractice in the workplace, or as part of a parole/probation arrangement

    7: federal mandate that states tie minimum wage to county cost of living, with biannual updates

    8: public option for health care provided by an 18% increase in income taxes, in addition to the tax increases mentioned above. Include language that total employee compensation packages may not be altered as part of this policy. Employees pocket what employers are currently spending on healthcare.

    9: Union reform. End right to work and legislate new laws that control how unions operate and when they are overstepping their bounds

    10: criminal justice reform that builds upon the 13th amendment and forces penal work paid at minimum wage instead of prison time for all/nearly all non-violent offenses and some violent offenses

    I’m going to bet you disagree with some or many of these, and that’s why we don’t have 1 lockstep party.

    That’s the difference between the two parties. We have fundamental disagreements, as democrats++, in how problems should be solved. Republicans fall in line behind “fuck democrats.”