Pupils will be banned from wearing abayas, loose-fitting full-length robes worn by some Muslim women, in France’s state-run schools, the education minister has said.

The rule will be applied as soon as the new school year starts on 4 September.

France has a strict ban on religious signs in state schools and government buildings, arguing that they violate secular laws.

Wearing a headscarf has been banned since 2004 in state-run schools.

  • セリャスト
    31 year ago

    Oh really? Let’s ban murder. Is it as opressive as if we made murdering ppl mandatory? Remember that people’s rights depend on other’s obligations.

    • @MataVatnik
      41 year ago

      Hyperbolic bad faith argument. A person should have a right to choose the clothes they wear. Maybe this school should stick to uniforms if certain articles of clothing are so problematic.

      • セリャスト
        1 year ago

        It is not one school, it is all public achools in the country. You can’t defend the right to choose clothes in one sentence and say they should switch to uniforms in the other