I was watching a YouTube video with a bunch of the voice cast of ATLA and they started talking about recording with “Mark”. When I realized it was Mark Hamill I had to immediately Google it and was blooooown away. I’m not a crazy fanatic but I love the show and have watched it many times. Somehow I never thought to look up Ozai’s voice until today 🤯

  • jrwperformance
    211 year ago

    Yep. Mark Hamill has been voice acting for years. My personal favorite was his Joker from Bat Man the animated series.

      • Zagorath
        11 year ago

        Another fantastic delightfully silly thing is Mark Hamill’s appearance on the live action The Flash (2014).

        Hamill, of course, played the Trickster in the older The Flash (1990), which is part of what lead to him getting cast as the Joker in BTAS. The '90s Flash actor was cast as Barry Allan’s father in the 2014 show. In season 2, Hamill got to reprise his role as the Trickster in order to hand the torch down to a new Trickster. That, plus the more widely-known context from Star Wars, should be all you need to know going in to the above clip.

    • Zagorath
      11 year ago

      BTAS is easily the best version of Batman out there. Hamill’s and Conroy’s performances are second to none. I’ve just recently started a rewatch since apparently Netflix has added BTAS and JL in my region recently.