Hey there! August is almost over and autumn or spring are right around the corner. How has your week been? Did you get much stitching done? Did you start a new project?

  • @[email protected]M
    210 months ago

    I doubt most people would consider big chunks of black like that to be “fun” but hey whatever floats your boat 😄

    Looking good! I also am in fairly desperate need of more black floss, thank you for the reminder, need to shift my cold enough that I can actually set foot in a shop though, that’s step 1 atm. Sigh.

    • @MrJameGumb
      210 months ago

      The other two projects (which I’ll post about soon) involve very detailed blackwork, or constant thin lines of different colors, so the big chunks of color in this one are like a break so I don’t go cross eyed lol