• DessertStorms
    2 years ago

    “stop bringing up an already marginalised segment of the population I want to continue marginalising further in peace, I don’t care if they can’t participate in society or even die due to lack of access!”


    And to your flimsy points - NO ONE EVER SAID THERE SHOULD BE A STRAW IN EVERY DRINK, IF YOU DON’T WANT ONE ASK TO NOT FUCKING GET ONE, now that we got rid of that strawman (no pun intended, this isn’t funny to some of us), people shouldn’t need to ask for basic accessibility, nor should they have to disclose personal medical information to get it, but now that ableists like you have forced this situation to boost your own egos, they do, and are often denied, because wait staff are not medically trained, and are often abelists like you, so they get refused and called liars and accused of destroying the environment.
    Never mind that expecting people to always have their own accessibility aids, rather than have them freely available creates an inaccessible society.
    Which is exactly what ableists like you are fighting for.

    Now I know I’m wasting my breath, because you clearly don’t give a shit about disable people, but others who might scroll by might fall for your ableist logical fallacies, and I’m here to let them know the harm they cause.

    Oh, and on a side note - do you eat sea food? If not, do you go around telling others not to?

    Because the fishing industry is responsible for over 15 thousand times more plastic pollution in the ocean than straws create.

    So lets not pretend you give a shit about the environment either, you’re just looking to make yourself feel better by “acting” (no matter how useless the action is), but mostly you’re just desperate to punch down at an “easy target” you don’t think will fight back, but you’re wrong.

    Seriously, I can’t even imagine the despicable brain processes it takes to rationalise to yourself prioritising something that doesn’t even cause 0,003% of the pollution you pretend to care about, and which the alternatives to cause even more pollution, over the literal lives of disabled people.

    Go fuck yourself, ableist.

    • RockyBockySocky
      2 years ago

      Calm the fuck down bud, I said nothing ableist at all.

      You said “You personally not using something, doesn’t mean others don’t” and the whole tone of your comment sounds like you’re against getting rid of straws.

      Yes straws isn’t single-handedly destroying the planet but not giving out needless plastic with every drink is still good.

      Yes some people will still need straws, no one said “FUCK DISABLED PEOPLE, NO STRAWS FOR YOU” and when talking about general problems and solutions like this we all know there will be exceptions.

      Bringing up fringes cases and making it sound like a general counter argument is silly.

      And no I don’t eat sea food or any other animals and yes I tell other people to stop too :)