• @SulaymanF
    110 months ago

    You genuinely don’t know that and are making assumptions. Talk to some Muslim families before you assume that’s how everyone is. Kids often proudly like to dress in cultural or ethnic clothing and since it’s start at a certain age they want to as a mark of maturity. It should be about choice and you seem unwilling to accept when people choose to wear things.

      • @SulaymanF
        110 months ago

        Again you’re grossly overgeneralizing 2 Billion people as if we’re all alike. It’s still wrong and untrue. It’s like claiming Mexicans beat their wives or something. That’s just not the experience I’ve had after decades of living in Muslim communities. I hope you learn that someday.

          • @SulaymanF
            110 months ago

            Again, you’re falsely assuming Islam is monolithic. I’ve read the entire Quran in both English and Arabic, please show me where the Quran says to kill people who become atheist. I’ll wait. It says God won’t accept it but there’s no earthly punishment listed.

            And dude, I converted to Islam, so your condescending attempt at insult doesn’t work.

              • @SulaymanF
                10 months ago

                That’s not what 2:54 says. Also that’s not at all what history shows. The city of Medina was under literal siege from the Meccans camped outside the city’s barriers. Anyone who publicly left Islam went out and joined the opposing army, so at the time they were executed for treason, not changing religions. Learn your history better, ask any history department rather than an anemic English Wikipedia page that lacks more Arabic sources.

                  • @SulaymanF
                    10 months ago

                    2:54 is quoting Moses talking to the children of Israel about how God forgave them for worshipping the call, it is not a command today about punishing people who change religions. Of all the ayaat to quote you used the least relevant one that said the literal opposite of what you claimed. No wonder you’re so misled, did you get that inaccurate one from Wikipedia too?

                    It’s not common knowledge, it’s a popular myth. The scholars are not saying what you’re claiming, which is why I suggested you find better sources than Wikipedia; the Arabic page and the English page don’t even agree.

                    I never once gave an opinion about evolution so you’re strawmanning me or lumping me in someone else. You don’t know me but keep acting like all Muslims are alike.