This might be kind of a weird post, but I want to see if anyone experiences the same thing as I do.

First of all, I think the Foundation opening credits are awesome. Maybe some of my favorites ever, really. Really visually stunning and the score is excellent.

But it’s the mix of the score that I want to talk about. Does anyone else feel like the opening music is…”flat?” At no point in this epic audio does my sub kick in to fill out the brass or percussion. When the final logo slams onto the screen, there is technically a big hit in the score, but, just, nothing from the low end of the spectrum. I feel like I should feel that hit in my bones, and there’s nothing.

The show itself sounds great. Full sound stage; the ships rumble my room and explosions or gunfire are punchy.

But, yeah, just curious if anyone else has ever thought about this. It just makes me sad because the credits are SO COOL only to feel like the music is kept in this narrow band of sound.

  • @garretbleOP
    11 year ago

    Oh that’s pretty interesting. On that graph it does seem to be a little flatter than those others.

    It’s just odd to me that it seems like there are no LFE. As if they just bracketed out the lower frequencies and nothing hits my sub.

      • @garretbleOP
        21 year ago

        I watched the newest episode last night, and the moment the show starts up I can tell it has a fuller range. Other shows don’t have this problem. After Party, for example, certainly doesn’t.