Little late this week but we are back with another cool Warframe

This is Frost, colder and deadlier than space itself. Frost can protect or punish, the decision is yours.

1st ability-Freeze A blast of cold energy that can freeze the target

2nd ability-Ice Wave Send out a wave of frozen ice dealing heavy damage and inflicting cold upon enemies

3rd ability-Snow Globe Create an icy barrier to stop incoming projectiles, great for defending objectives

4th ability-Avalanche Summon a landslide of ice to freeze and shatter all enemies in its radius

Passive Enemies hitting Frost with a melee attack have a 10% chance to get frozen for 20 seconds


Subsumed Ability-Ice Wave

Tactical Ability-Snow Globe

Frost can be found by defeating Captain Vor and Lech Kril on Exta, Ceres with the main blueprint on the Market

Frost was introduced 1/29/2013 in update 6.0. His design was based on an unused boss from DE’s previous game, Dark Sector

Frost Prime was introduced in update 7.10 in 5/3/2013. Frost prime is tied with Hydroid Prime for the fourth highest possible shields at 3,195

Frost is the second Warframe that received a prime version, and the first one that is craftable.

I really like Frost (Honestly I’m a big fan of all the elemental based frames)

He excels at defending objectives with his abilities, and with the introduction of his new mod for Ice Wave, Icy Avalanche, he can protect his allies with plenty of overguard

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    awwwwwww yissss it’s muddaflipping F R O S T T I M E babeyyyyyyyyyy

    One of my top 11 frames. I’m going to be really enthusiastic about this bad boy, so that should tell you how much I love my top 5.

    Frost has an absolutely amazing kit. Aside from his Passive, which might as well just not exist. Enemies have no armour, either can’t move, or move and shoot very slowly. And his augments are amazing. If I have one complaint, the 15m range and 60% strip on Avalanche means a good Avalanche build is going to be juggling some things, either taking a shard investment or needing to dip into Equilibrium negative efficiency builds. Only really relevant for SP Circuit though.

    Frost is one of my staples for Archon Hunts, since he kind of just does everything you need for every mission type, with high damage output and great party support, and braindead easy objective defense.

    Cold is just straight up a universal utility element, although often hard to justify putting on your weapons (Corr/Cold raw is making a bit of a comeback with Primary Frostbite though if you’re willing to make some small compromises on paper-DPS). Nothing is immune to Cold status, aside from some bosses. Even Acolytes and Overguard get slapped by it, although it is capped until you break Overguard. At 4x, it’s a 65% slow, so almost 3x penalty to moving and shooting. At 9x, the cap, it’s a 10x slow. Slows are great because they also scale combat scripts… did you know Violence actually has an elastic amount of time before he drops the Violence Silence?

    Bit more on augments now. Freeze Force is great, because it’s a straight buff to Viral. You are running Viral on the funny fullstrip frame, right? Right. Also a straight buff to corr/cold builds too. People running corr/heat pistols are going to hate you though… use with caution in pubbies.

    Ice Wave Impedance is funny. It’s a separate slow effect to the Cold, so Frost can very nearly timestop targets with an 11x/40x slow depending on what their Cold cap is. While it’s often hard to justify keeping Ice Wave, it’s very nice to have when you want it. It’s on my Disruption and mobility builds (ditching Snow Globe). Another note is that it leaves multiple independent patches, so it’s somewhat resilient to Nullifier pulses. Very funny for bullying Acolytes too. Also, Ice Wave is huge so it leaves a massive area of funny.

    Chilling Snow Globe… I know nothing about. I’ve never used it. I guess theoretically it would be nice if you wanted to farm Hieracon with Frost for some reason.

    Icy Avalanche. Aw yeah. I recently dropped some red shards on Frost to make room for this, and it’s hard to go back. Ironskin for the whole party. No knockdowns. No poison. Mostly no energy drain. No death slashes. So good! And now that Overgating exists, everyone gets an extra 0.5s of oneshot immunity. Really adds to Frost’s already formidable support kit.

    Biting Frost my beloved. This is a really good buff for Frost, and turns him into a powerful and versatile weapon wielder. 200% CC/CD opens up some really dumb things, like red crit Pax Seekers that hit in the millions, Stahlta oneshots, Corinth nukes, ridiculous Contagion nukes, Cyanex murderswarms, and so on. The sky is the limit when you’re playing inside Frost’s icy sandbox of slaughter. Frost just straight up has no bad weapons when you’re running this.

    He has some nice midgame builds too. With high base EHP it’s very easy to make him into an umbra tank and comfortably go for a couple hundred levels.

    If you’ve put Frost in cold storage, I can’t recommend enough pulling him out and giving him a spin. He’s been an absolute monster since the November 2021 buffs. I still hear people trash talking him, but it’s just not true. Sad case of Zephyr Syndrome, I think, given he was languishing for years as a niche frame.

    • Selkie210OP
      21 year ago

      I’m excited to get to your top 5 then, this is an impressive breakdown

      I think if he got a rework, biggest thing other than more scaling I’d like his 1 to get replaced and his passive to get replaced and I think he’d be a lot more popular

      Do you think Frost got some improvement with the Cold buff they released recently?

      I have used Chilling Globe, it is good but struggles with a lot of Eximus and if you are at a point where the bubbles can’t stay alive

      Also did not know about the Impedence interaction, that is funny, going to get the augment just to mess around with that

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Oh yeah, his 1 definitely needs some love. Even just making it apply the freeze effect in a radius would be nice, rather than just the target it impacts. Maybe scaling the damage it does when it detonates a snow globe too.

        Frost definitely ate well with the Cold buffs. He stacks so much Cold so fast on his abilities, the flash freeze potential is really nice, and it was a boon on enemies with low Cold caps. On paper the CD buff is nice too, but he’s already a damage monster so it hasn’t really felt different to me. I think the Icy Avalanche buffs felt the most noticeable.

        On Ice Wave Impedance, it’s also funny on Loki, especially on builds that dump stat Strength. I have a Chili Menthol Loki that abuses switch teleporting Demos back into ice patches over and over. It’s almost as entertaining as Bansheeball.

        • Selkie210OP
          21 year ago

          Might be similar to Gara, not sure if they should do anything to differentiate that or if that would be fine

          Lmao I really want to give that a try now