Conversely, can the republicans of Lemmy say just ONE nice thing about Joe Biden?

  • @linearchaos
    151 year ago

    While he set race relations back 30 years, and antivaxed his base killing millions extra, and shared nuclear defense secrets with his international “friends”, he could have been a lot worse if he had his shit together.

    There could have been a real civil war, he could have unleashed worse executive orders, he could have pardoned and helped his followers who went to jail for him and made him a true hero for the base. He was inches from making the moderate right go, you know, he’s not so bad, while pummeling non Christian non white people into the dirt and labeling them enemies.

    If someone picks up his playbook, follows his rhetoric, and actually manages to present as nice and valiant to his base… The US is fucked.

    • @Ocelot
      51 year ago

      That was one of my first observations about him was that he just isn’t very intelligent.