They get unnecessarily VIOLENTLY angry if you address how other political issues are also important.

They are rabid, and do not have ‘chill’ mode. It’s impossible talking to them at all. They also force their beliefs about using public transportation on everyone when they don’t take into account that not everyone lives in a city.

Also, they fail to acknowledge that public transportation is not safe.

Listen, I get that climate change is a thing. But it’s not THEE ultimate and almighty issue.

  • @Chestrade
    1810 months ago

    Explain how is public transportation not safe?

    • @Viking_Hippie
      1910 months ago

      Methinks OP is afraid of people less privileged than them. Which is probably most of the world population.

      • @Chestrade
        1210 months ago

        I think it’s a troll account. Look at the things op posts.

    • @andrewta
      -210 months ago

      Try riding public transport in certain large cities in the US . Then look up real world numbers of crime in public transport. Then come talk to us.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        510 months ago

        Certain large cities like New York? When I visited, public transit was how I got around and while it wasn’t the cleanest I’d ever seen, people just went about their business being bored and doing their best to not annoy anyone or engage with anyone annoying.

        That’s how public transit is in big cities all over the world btw: just bored people on their way from one place to the other while releasing a hell of a lot less CO2 and other pollutants and killing a hell of a lot fewer people than people in cars do.

        • @AA5B
          210 months ago

          Like Boston? I’d really hate to have to drive downtown.

          Like DC? Yeah, it was fun to drive during COViD when the place was as empty as it was going to get, but the Metro rocks for a park and ride. I have to admit to never riding a bus there though

          Detroit? Ok, I’ll take Detroit as a poster child for whatever negative stereotype you have about cities. However, they’re starting to get a nice little tourist area and maybe one day the People Mover will go somewhere. Stop by Eminem’s place have have a spaghetti sandwich

    • spyd3r
      -29 months ago

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