The stepsister of a Colorado woman who was found dead along with her sister and teenage son at a remote Rocky Mountain campsite says the women fled into the wilderness after struggling to cope with societal changes in recent years, but they were unequipped to survive off the grid.

Exposed to several feet of snow, chills below zero and with no food found at their camp, Christine Vance, Rebecca Vance and Rebecca’s son likely died of malnutrition and hypothermia, according to the autopsies released this week. Authorities haven’t released the boy’s name.

Those reports contained another chilling detail that brought stepsister Trevala Jara to tears: The 14-year-old boy’s body was found with Jara’s favorite, blessed rosary that she gave the group before they left.

  • @SpezBroughtMeHere
    -81 year ago

    So you would rather God step in and make sure we only make good choices completely overriding our free will? Sounds kind of authoritarian.

    • @SkyezOpen
      41 year ago

      Forcing people to worship an indifferent God under threat of eternal damnation sounds authoritarian too. Which flavor would you prefer for your sky daddy?

      • @SCB
        21 year ago

        You’ll be happy to know relatively few religious beliefs have a concept of eternal damnation.

        Really just two.

        • @SkyezOpen
          11 year ago

          The rosary suggests these people were catholic, so I am shitting on the catholic God, not religion as a whole.

          • @SCB
            11 year ago

            If they were Catholic than they can be presumed to accept and understand Catholic teaching that God does not directly interfere with the world or it is a violation of Free Will.

            • @SkyezOpen
              11 year ago

              God does not directly interfere in the world

              Except all those times he did.

              • @SCB
                01 year ago

                I’m not here to debate Catholic canon with you, merely to inform you of what Catholics believe, as a former Catholic.