Why are so many things on Ebay even more expensive then what the item would be brand new from the store?

I was searching for a Motorola MA1 Wireless Android Auto which is $80 brand new in a store, but on Ebay they are anywhere from $100 to $200. Even if it is pre-owned. It seems impossible that anyone is ever going to buy this so what is the purpose of these listings?

  • wander1236
    252 years ago

    There was a while when Motorola couldn’t keep up with demand, so they were out of stock in most retailers. These are probably leftover price-gouging listings from then.

    Unfortunately, it’s pretty well proven that people will still buy something at a ridiculous markup if it isn’t available otherwise.

    • IzzyOP
      72 years ago

      I think you are right with old listings and then maybe new people looking at old listings to make new listings without verifying.