Why YSK: No sense in making the locals mad unless you mean to. In some Middle Eastern countries, a thumbs-up is comparable to the middle finger. A peace sign in the UK is OK if your palm is facing away from you; otherwise, it’s an insult. Pointing with your index finger is offensive in Malaysia. An OK symbol is not OK in Brazil, it’s that smelly hole you normally sit upon.

Reader’s Digest did an entire article on these gestures: https://www.rd.com/article/common-hand-gestures-rude-in-other-countries/

  • @TheOneWithTheHairOP
    92 years ago

    According to Stack Exchange, nods are yes and shakes are no in English Speaking countries. In Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Macedonia a single nod means no according to a Reddit post. The same post indicates that in India and other South-East Asian countries the conventions of nodding for ‘yes’ and shaking your head for ‘no’ is inverted to mean the opposite. The Indian version is more of a side-to-side bob or wobble than a shake. I guess it’s best to learn yes and no when traveling abroad and use the words when possible.

    • @Dougas
      112 years ago

      This is wrong. A single nod in Greece, as well as multiple nods mean yes. Shaking means no, as well “noding backwards” if we can call it that way. Source, I am Greek.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Fascinating. I am so used to giving the single head nod as an acknowledgedment to people I might have to avoid it if I’m aboard

      • yesdogishere
        12 years ago

        pointing with your finger in any country is rude. just use a discreet open palm if you wish to gesture someone’s attention somewhere. what happened to common courtesy?? so many people just dont know their a,b,cs of politeness. what a shitshow.