Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

  • @Wolf_359
    10 months ago

    I actually think this a decent piece of left-leaning humor, if a bit dark.

    It makes light of an awful thing that happened (the shooting) and then links it to another awful thing that’s happening (abortion bans in America).

    It kind of highlights the absurdity of it all.

    It’s like jokes about racism. Decent people know that the jokes are mocking racist people and showing the absurdity, while racists just laugh at the racism part because they don’t get it.

    • sab
      1610 months ago

      While the meme is in bad taste by my standards, I guess it’s still not in the same league as forcing women to carry babies and then shooting them dead when they’re trying to feed them.

      Maybe shock value is needed at this point.

    • @Buffaloaf
      110 months ago

      I get dark humor, but it actually needs to be funny to work. This is just a low effort, over used meme about something horrible.

    • gregorum
      10 months ago

      It’s still disgusting and in terrible taste