YSK long noise videos cant effectively be compressed and as such take quite a lot of storage space and bandwidth. So if you want to keep the hosting costs of social media platforms low, for example when going public, you definetly wouldnt want disenfranchised users to upload them to your platform. This is the kind of noise you would want to avoid: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15792105/simulating-tv-noise#15795112

  • nobodyspecial
    62 years ago

    You know what would be even worse? Uploading 10 hour versions of “What’s Going On” the He-Man mix. With a bit of extra data or a few seconds less data to make it unique. Heck, converted to an animated image and set as a profile pic could work too.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kob0G2hE8IY – source material.