Summary: Enjoiner Rue confides in Dusk about her distrust of Demerzel. Hober Mallow pulls a daring move. Day sets course for Terminus and the Foundation.

This thread can contain TV spoilers up to season 2 episode 8.

Air Date: September 1, 2023

  • @[email protected]OP
    1 year ago

    This has been my favorite episode of the entire show.

    The good: learning about the secrets between Cleon I and Demerzel continues to move in unexpected directions.

    The bad: Hober Mallow acts as a Deus Ex Machina at the most convenient of times.

    The ugly: keeping track of the mentalics story is a bit much for my normal brain. It’s been a long, slow burn with conflicting information given to the viewer at several points.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Agree, great episode. While I’m sure the show would do interesting things with it, I kind of hope the direction with the mentallics isn’t for this Tellem to try to move conscious into Gale, but Gale be dominant mind and just making Gale super powerful. Just wouldn’t feel earned.

      • @Nastybutler
        61 year ago

        I think Salvor will save the day somehow

        • IWantToFuckSpez
          81 year ago

          I bet Salvor will burst in with those brain wave suppressors turned on to eleven. Then everyone will get a massive headache and drop to the floor.

        • @joneskind
          21 year ago

          And by Salvor Hardin you mean VAR Hari Seldon

          I realised the anagram a few days ago. I tried to find information about this on the internet but couldn’t find any. I can’t remember if it’s mentioned in the books but it can’t be a coincidence.

          Also, yes. Salvor definitely will save the day.

          • @healer_56
            41 year ago

            did i miss something ? Salvor Hardin does not have an e in it so how can it be an anagram to hari sEldon ?

            • @joneskind
              31 year ago

              True, but my guess is that Asimov removed a silent e in Salvor(e) Hardin(e) to make the anagram less obvious.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        This is literally the first time Gaal has been remotely useful, interesting watchable, or just… remotely functional, the rest of the time she’s either crying or just being contrary just because.

        • @Batmancer
          31 year ago

          I was very upset with her in the previous episode when she was demanding trust from Salvor with the obvious problem being she is not trusting Salvor or her hunch and about the boats history being erased.

    • @Batmancer
      41 year ago

      I have this fear that the leader of the mentalics is in fact the mule in her whatevereth iteration.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Loved the end of the episode when Dawn and Dusk discover that Demerzel is the Empire. It was something I was talked with my wife since season 1. I guess that for the end of season 2, Demezer is going to get rid of all the Cloud Dominion staff, Dawn and Dusk and retrieve new ones with forged memories. Funny how this season all three brothers were in love of someone different.

    • @zefiax
      31 year ago

      Agree, best episode so far!