Summary: Enjoiner Rue confides in Dusk about her distrust of Demerzel. Hober Mallow pulls a daring move. Day sets course for Terminus and the Foundation.

This thread can contain TV spoilers up to season 2 episode 8.

Air Date: September 1, 2023

  • Shalakushka
    -41 year ago

    I wish they would have just made their own scifi show and called it something else. This isn’t Foundation, and I don’t even see how that’s a profitable enough property to do this kind of cash grab with.

    • @zefiax
      71 year ago

      Meh, they had to make the changes. The book cycles through characters every few chapters. You can’t make a show without characters people can invest in.

    • Izzy
      1 year ago

      I feel this way about a lot of things. It seems like there are near infinite movie and tv show scripts to make things from, but if it doesn’t have some association to a thing people can recognize it is barely worth anything. Which is sad because there are likely countless amazing things sitting there unmade. Studios used to take more risk with low to mid budget stuff.

    • GerryMandering
      11 year ago

      I’m a massive fan of the books, and it took me a while to accept the abomination this show is. But once I accepted this is a completely different tv series with only a loose resemblance to the books, I started to actually enjoy it.

      If they’d just called it something else I’d have been fine with it.

      It’s not foundation but it’s also not that bad. It’s not that good either, but good tv is hard to come by