I understand that not everyone is fortunate to have money saved to be able to have the leeway to leave jobs whenever they feel like it and so forth. But I just feel like people have lost their sense of self-respect when it comes down to employment.

I am a firm believer that if you are working at a toxic place and are being harassed or bullied, to stand up to that behavior and tell them that you’re not going to take their shit, and if they continue you fucking quit and never look back.

I have known people who have not had a savings who have done this in the past and they end up finding a decent job that doesn’t treat them like shit. Do you feel like job Seekers don’t defend themselves anymore?

  • partial_accumen
    11 year ago

    There’s a difference between “taking shit” and “kissing ass”. You’re welcome to believe them the same, but understand that the consequences impact your employ-ability. There’s a whole set of skills about managing workplace boundaries. Its not a binary of “taking shit” all-or-nothing. Its picking your battles and choosing to refuse to do things that would harm you physically or mentally, or those things that are simply annoying or hits to your pride. If you have to maintain your “not taking shit” image because of ego, I can tell you that will likely be very costly to you.

    I can tell you from far up the chain (just because I’m older and have been doing this longer) there are zero jobs where you can avoid “taking shit”. It comes in different forms. Right now you’re talking about your direct manager or supervisor it sounds like. The higher up you go it comes from even higher bosses, government agencies, vendors you’re forced to deal with, regulatory auditors, insurance companies, then, paradoxically, employees you manage.

    There is no “taking shit”-free job. That only comes when you exit the workforce…which is one of my goals I’m working is to speedrun to earn enough money to do that before age 65 or 67 assuming you’ve saved appropriate to allow you to do that.