Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

  • pocopene
    261 year ago

    What I see here is a cop trained to shoot to kill at the slightest chance.

    I mean, if I ever visit this country and a policeman interacts with me I will pee my pants. Literally*.

    *You know, like what “literally” meant in the old times.

    • Phoenixz
      191 year ago

      No, actually the total opposite.

      This is yet another example of a police officer getting minimal training, 6 months and here you have a gun, now go be Rambo. Coooool!

      In North western Europe, police officers require good education to even be able to start their police officer education. Then it’s 4 years of learning to get to a point that they can call themselves a basic police officer.

      Wanna go anything beyond that? Be a detective? More schooling.

      In the US they explicitly filter on getting dumber people, they give no adequate training at all, don’t tech them de-escalation, etc.

      Couple that with a police force that has a ver “we protect eachother over protecting them”

      Couple that with a culture that is much more authoritive. Freedom? Hah! Obey! That kid smokes a joint? Toss him in jail!

      Couple that with a justice system that is much more focussed on punishment instead of rehabilitation.

      Couple that with an endless supply of guns out in the street.

      Seriously, how is anyone surprised that this shit happens all the time?

      • TWeaK
        11 year ago

        Maybe some countries in North Western EU, but not North Western Europe. The UK is the most North Western part of Europe and they most definitely do not require that level of competence lol.

        • Phoenixz
          21 year ago

          UK police officers are vastly better trained (and less problemstic) than US police officers

          • TWeaK
            11 year ago

            Absolutely, but they don’t have any particular educational requirements. At least, not publicly. I imagine they have internal guidelines but can bend them for a candidate that convinces then to.

            • Phoenixz
              21 year ago

              I recall from a few years ago that they were actively looking for less intelligent candidates, it was a big news thing for a while

              • TWeaK
                11 year ago

                Yeah, I mean I looked it up before my first comment here. Here are the requirements:

                Restrictions and Requirements

                You’ll need to:

                • pass enhanced background checks
                • be over 18 years of age

                You will also need to pass a fitness test.

                There’s a bunch of general stuff in the skills section, but basically it seems like you would pretty much talk your way through an interview.

                • Phoenixz
                  11 year ago


                  Everybody has to start somewhere and there are different types of police officers. Those that write only parking tickets do not have the same level of training as the ones with the guns.They still receive better training than anywhere in the US and there are still factors less killings every day by police than in the US.

                  It may not be perfect but it’s not THAT bad

                  • TWeaK
                    11 year ago

                    You’re speaking as if I’m saying anything about whether that’s good or bad. All I did was offer the correction that European police aren’t necessarily well educated.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I just have to say, 100% of my interactions with the police have been nothing but on the up and up.