Just a wannabe writer here. I’ve only ever strung a few paragraphs together, maybe an essay’s worth occasionally. I used to work on blog posts in Evernote and I still use it for capturing stray thoughts. I use it as a place for ideas and that’s exactly what happens. I never develop the idea, I just write down another one. Years ago I used Word, but thought maybe now there are apps better suited to the writing process. What do others use for an application/ platform?

  • @grabyourmotherskeys
    92 years ago

    I am a terrible writer that does it purely for my own edification.

    I use spiral bound notebooks with the coil at the top and whatever pen.

    Every night I try to write one page.

    Sometimes it’s a scene that advances the story or shows something about a character.

    Sometimes it’s a history of some faction or region, or an anecdote that the characters know from their past, or maybe a note about politics or trade.

    Occasionally, I’ll write a character sketch or map and describe a location.

    I just like writing and this way creates the least pressure on me to “write”. It’s just fun.

    If I ever get a complete story I’ll maybe type it into a document and try to edit it.

    The last time I finished something was seven years ago. It was a short story. Wasn’t great but I enjoyed the process. I’ve always got ideas going but this current work is a Yankee in King Arthur’s Court type adventure that I’m really having fun with.