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Timeline reading “All ties” from the far left until “Invention of scissors, -3000”. Then it’s reading “Rock advantage” until a second marker called “Invention of paper, -179”. The final description from there to the far right reads “Balanced”.

  • Redjard
    102 years ago

    You may be thinking of other media for writing like papyrus or animal hides

    • @[email protected]OP
      52 years ago

      Indeed the mainstream media before was papyrus which is a bit different than paper. There was also an interesting thing where they cut bamboos to make some planks which where stringed together. They would write on the inside of the planks

    • @AppaYipYip
      02 years ago

      Paper was invented in China by Cai Lun who died in 121 CE. It’s definitely a lot older than 179 years ago.

      • Redjard
        22 years ago

        I would argue that last time I checked we arent living in the year 1. In common usage -179 was 2023 - (-179) -1 = 2201 years ago
        (the -1 is because there is no year 0)