Just a wannabe writer here. I’ve only ever strung a few paragraphs together, maybe an essay’s worth occasionally. I used to work on blog posts in Evernote and I still use it for capturing stray thoughts. I use it as a place for ideas and that’s exactly what happens. I never develop the idea, I just write down another one. Years ago I used Word, but thought maybe now there are apps better suited to the writing process. What do others use for an application/ platform?

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Joplin. It’s Markdown based, supporting math, tables, Mermaid diagrams, and more. You can organize notes into notebooks, including sub-notebooks, as well as with tags. The desktop app supports full text seach. And it has open-source apps for desktop and mobile, and it’s easy to set up synchronization between all devices using standard cloud storage (I use free Dropbox), which is encrypted whenever it’s not on your devices.

    • @douglasg14b
      1 year ago

      Wonder how it compares to obsidian now 🤔

      Joplin was on my radar for a bit, but haven’t thought much about it since I’m using obsidian.

      The paid sync is kind of a rip off IMHO, but the CouchDB local sync works just fine. Plugin ecosystem is probably what gives me the largest number of niche features.

      It’s all markdown, I push it to a GitHub repo.

      • @redsol2
        21 year ago

        Obsidian is the gold standard for notes apps IMO. I don’t see any reason to move to Joplin if you’re using Obsidian.