Hello, I’ve been in menopause for approx 10+ years since I had a partial hysterectomy when I was in my mid-40s. Just recently I’ve been experiencing problems with concentrating and following along with other people speaking. I find myself thinking of things I need to do (grocery shopping, errands, chores, etc.) and then realize I haven’t been paying attention to them. I’ll ask my neurologist if I can be tested for Alzheimers and Dementia, but is anyone else experiencing this? A co-worker blamed the same type of problem on her just entering menopause. I don’t think it’s brain fog from Covid because I had Covid ~10 months ago and didn’t have this problem then. Could it possibly be menopause? If so, why now and not years ago? Any thoughts or suggestions?

  • Lilacwitch17
    42 years ago

    Oh dear lord yes. I have had this issue now for three years and words escape me, I have issues reading, listening to people. The whole thing(I can’t think of how to spell gammet, gamet) I wish I could remember what I have called things, but it escapes me. It’s a strange thing with peri and meno with nouns. Get the tests to make sure and of course it is better to check then blow it off. Just know you aren’t alone in forgetting and attention