One officer is seen standing at her door and repeatedly telling her to “get out of the car”.
    “For what?” she responds twice, adding: “I’m not going to do that.”
    One officer seen in front of the car has his left hand on the hood, his gun drawn in the other hand.
    “Are you going to shoot me?” she says moments before a single shot is fired and the officer quickly moves out of the car’s path.

    The cop who killed her was in no danger, and has time to casually stroll out of the way of the vehicle.

    What he doesn’t have is a name or a face — as often happens, the police haven’t been named, and their faces have been blurred in the video.


If they weren’t cops — if they were just a pair of random dudes killing a black pregnant woman, and there was video footage — would their names remain secret, their faces blurred?

  • @hedgehogging_the_bed
    32 years ago

    If they only release footage with the faces and badges blurred, how do we know the guys punished are the ones in the video? Why blur their faces if you are going to hold them responsible?

    • Doug HollandOP
      32 years ago

      “Spot on,” as the kids say these days.

      They blur the cops’ faces to prevent holding them responsible, of course.