Summary: Enjoiner Rue confides in Dusk about her distrust of Demerzel. Hober Mallow pulls a daring move. Day sets course for Terminus and the Foundation.

This thread can contain TV spoilers up to season 2 episode 8.

Air Date: September 1, 2023

  • @Axiochus
    21 year ago

    Eh, I’d say that this one is fairly blatant about it. You can tick boxes without sacrificing plot coherence and world building.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Idunno, this one ticks those plot and worldbuilding boxes pretty hard for me. It’s just a different sort of plot and the worldbuilding is necessarily shifting, both owing to the fact that the story spans a great deal of distance and time.

      • @Axiochus
        21 year ago

        Fair enough! Might give it a change again eventually.