• terwn43lp
      279 months ago

      I’m an adult & food stamps have gotten me through many rough patches. studies show that investing in social services is better for the economy than letting people starve, who woulda thunk?

    • @GodricOP
      189 months ago

      Yeah, these “pro-life” monsters absolutely would have children starve to get closer to another 0 at the end of their bank accounts. Vote well, and influence your local community as much as you can!

      • @Viking_Hippie
        -99 months ago

        Yeah, because the Dem leadership and the candidates they pick in the primaries have been doing doing a great job containing and restraining the worst elements of the far right 🙄

        If you just vote for the same invertebrate corporate stooges again, they’ll be sure to do what they say THIS TIME!

        We need a general strike and a viable and principled third party to the left of the Dem corporation.

        • @GodricOP
          29 months ago

          While we’re listing things the country needs and structurally never will have, we also need oral sex and free steak dinners! It’s tough having to vote in the reality we live in, instead of the one we imagine

          • @Viking_Hippie
            -39 months ago

            Even tougher when you stubbornly insist that it’s impossible to change it to more resemble the better one that we “imagine”.

            If you always act on the presumption that you can’t do anything, you’ll be proven as weak and ineffectual as you think you are.

            You should think more like labor unions and civil rights activists and less like Nancy Pelosi or her protégé, the somehow even worse Hakeem Jeffries.

            • Flying Squid
              59 months ago

              Labor unions and civil rights activists want to change the party from within. A third party to the left of the Democrats will do nothing but ensure Republican victories from hereon in. They are aware of this. I’m not sure why you aren’t.

              • @Viking_Hippie
                -59 months ago

                You’re wrong on both points. While some progressives support them and some neoliberals pay them lip service while actively supporting and accepting support from cops and billionaires, many labor unions and civil rights movements (especially the ones with a lot of millennial and gen Z members) have no party affiliation because they’ve been fucked over by the Dem leadership for the last 30+ years.

                The best way to make sure Republicans don’t win isn’t to keep rushing for the middle ground every time they move farther right, to the point of now being a center right to right wing party. It’s staking out and defending a principled left wing position that’s much more in line with the actual policy priorities of the majority of the.

                • @GodricOP
                  79 months ago

                  Tell me more about how splitting the vote is good thing in a two party system, I need a good fairy tale to send me to sleep

                  • @Viking_Hippie
                    9 months ago

                    Tell me more about how the world is a tribal binary and has to forever stay that way. When you’re done with that, tell me how being almost exactly like your opponents is better for turnout than embracing the policy positions that your constituents want. I need a good emetic to help me puke up the crap you’ve been feeding me.

                • Flying Squid
                  69 months ago

                  How do Republicans lose if the left vote is split into two parties?

                  • @Viking_Hippie
                    -39 months ago

                    Currently, there’s a fascist party and a more moderate right wing party and both of them are cooperating to avoid anyone to the left of center getting any power.

                    Tens of millions of voters are de facto disenfranchised by nobody from either party representing their interests. Hell, a lot of the poor people who have been tricked into voting Republican because they at least PRETEND to care about poor people would NEVER vote for a corporate pro-billionare democrat but would be very likely to vote for a progressive one that ACTUALLY fights for them.

        • @CuriousLibrarian
          09 months ago

          I’m not happy with the Dems either, but I do believe they will fight against the elimination of free school lunches. I will vote for them even if this is all they did.