Carbs, Fats, and the Mortality Maze: What Your Diet Means for Your Life Expectancy Grandma used to constantly say, “Eat your carbs, they give you energy!” but now, personal trainers are encouraging you to stop eating carbs and switch to keto. What gives, then? I stumbled uncovered an intriguing cohort research that may or may not put some of these arguments to rest. But guys, it’s data! In addition, data makes me more excited as a medical student than an aerobic workout. The study looked at how

  • conciselyverbose
    152 years ago

    “The healthiest way to eat” is a balanced diet of real food while minimizing hyper processed junk that’s one single source of macronutrients without all the micronutrients cooking from raw ingredients yourself provides.

    You can prove “protein” is bad if your protein is McDonalds, “carbs” are bad if your carbs are wonder bread, and “fats” are bad if your fats are empty greasy deep fried food. But a healthy diet has all three, just from actual food and not the freezer aisle.

    • @rdyoung
      1 year ago

      Damn, you’re stupid son.

      Carbs are bad regardless of source. There is no real difference between a McDonald’s hamburger bun and one bought at the grocery store or made at home.

      Protein is good regardless of source unless it has some other poisons added in. Yes, McDonald’s patties aren’t the best meat you can buy, but, if you are on the road and McDonald’s is the easiest or only source of food, having them leave off the bun is better than nothing.

      Fats aren’t bad either and the whole good versus bad fats is mostly bullshit. Fat shouldn’t be a major part of your diet and can have you gain weight even on keto if you eat too much. Fat should be eaten to satiety.

      You have a nice idiotic life now, you hear.