I’ve received this message on my inbox just a few hours after deleting my posts (all of them) last night.

I’m just glad to know where they stand.

And yes, I know that a lot of people have unsavory views about that subreddit, but I guess there’s just no accounting for taste.

  • DarkThoughts
    21 year ago

    It’s more likely they muted you. Afaik editing has sort of a timeout for API calls so if you do it too quickly, so your tool needs to delay each edit for a few seconds or it would cause issues. I know Power Delete Suite has not added this feature yet unfortunately.

      • megane-kunOP
        31 year ago

        Thanks for this. I am not in my daily driver (where I’ve set things up) right now but I’ll be checking this out (and whether or not I’ve used the version without the 5.1s delay) once I come back.