Regarding the U.S., military pundit Igor Korotchenko told the Russia 1 channel: “we will not wage war with you in Europe.”

  • uphillbothways
    1 year ago

    This is total theater. A single CHAMP payload on a stealth cruise missile (which Poland and Finland already have) “is capable of up to 100 shots per sortie.” That is up to 100 electronic launchers, RADAR/anti-aircraft/communications installations permanently disabled. It doesn’t just reboot the hardware, it destroys the electronics contained therein. Fried. No casualties. Just throws them back to the era of gunpowder and stones. With a single missile.

    “By 2023, Lockheed Martin could produce over 500 missiles total of JASSM and LRASM versions per year, with plans to increase production to 1,000 missiles annually.”

    Russia has no answer for this or similar capability. All they can do is beat their chest about nukes that probably don’t work anymore anyway.