• @theangryseal
    182 years ago

    Have you ever sat around and watched ducks?

    Bastards, I tell ya.

    I’ve seen the female mallard with half of her feathers removed, floating face down in the water dead, all while the males continue to gang rape her for hours.

    Maybe we should compare people like this to ducks.

    • @Rose
      32 years ago

      Assuming that’s exactly what you saw, at best you can compare it to necrophilia, not being burned alive in a furnace.

      • @theangryseal
        2 years ago

        Oh no no no. She was very much alive when they started.

        I heard the horror from my bedroom window. See, I had a creek in my back yard, and across from that creek was the only stretch of land that wasn’t a mountain. It wasn’t a big stretch either.

        I looked out the window and I seen her running in absolute horror, “QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!” They got her three at a time, sometimes more. They started with the feathers on the back of her neck. She was running around with a bloodied, naked, neck. Then they held her down and started ripping feathers from everywhere. She ran for the water and tried to swim away. One by one they held her head under water while another climbed on her back holding her by the skin of her bleeding neck. Feathers flew. She’d get her head up to quack a quack of terror, and they’d dip her back in.

        It wasn’t long until she was floating with her face in the water. The rape went on for hours after that.

        Can’t proofread, have toddlers.

        Have a good night.

        • @[email protected]
          72 years ago

          Now its your duty to put down those other bastard ducks. String them up from the lamppost as a warning to the other bastard ducks who live nearby.