• @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    Uh yes, the suburban tranquility of non-stop leaf blowing, lawn mowing, and pickup humming.

    Musics to my ears.

    • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
      1 year ago

      I live in an apartment with actual good sound-proofing. It’s almost dead silent inside except for the quiet hum of my AC. It’s legitimately so much quieter than my gf’s family’s house, where you constantly hear the rush of cars driving by on the street. Not to mention leafblowers and lawnmowers.

        • Neato
          11 year ago

          We need the insulation we saw in the Fight Club movie. The entire apartment blew out the window and everyone else was fine.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        You realize you are speaking from a very lucky position right? Everyone here agrees quiet apartments with clean facilities are pretty nice, but a large majority of apartment dwellers live in older, very noisy, very poorly managed facilities.

        It’s very fair to want the conversation on improving apartments, it is super important. But you.have to acknowledge that people’s response about their apartment history is informed from lived experience.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          It’s not luck. Things are built for a reason, the regulations and structures of society are designed, and it artificially dictate s what is built. Perhaps they live in a place where the regulations mean that sensible livable apartments are fairly abundant. Perhaps you don’t. That’s not luck, those places were designed that way.

            • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
              1 year ago

              I was born and raised in suburbia and only moved into where I am now. It is indeed partially luck that I had the capability and opportunity to move to a new city that has abundant apartments, missing middle housing, and a sane rental market. As a result of the abundance of apartments available, landlords have a credible threat of vacancy, and thus rents are lower, there are fewer restrictions (e.g., pet restrictions), and having decent sound insulation is common.

        • @Cryophilia
          -11 year ago

          I think the phrase “lived experience” should automatically disqualify someone from speaking about any topic. They’re just anecdotes, usually in contradiction to actual data.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago


            So for example the “lived experience” of black folks in the southern US in the 60s isn’t valuable I’m the discussion of racism in America? Of course it is. Their first hand experience (indeed anecdotal as you say) is meaningful.

            In the context of apartments, especially in America, millions of units are no where near the soundproofing or quality OP was describing. You could determine that by age of the buildings alone.

            Do you have sound dampening data for apartments across the country?

            Anecdotes are only problematic when they are purported as data. By definition someone relaying their lives experience suggests they are describing their individual life to you. It’s fine to want to move from anecdote to data, but when you talk about “disqualification” from discussion you’re just being a gatekeeper. There is no data rigor here, this is a message board about a meme.

            Lastly the person I responded to described THEIR lived experience (the quiet apartment they have) so that further insulates myself and others from any objective requirements to comment.

            • @Cryophilia
              21 year ago

              So for example the “lived experience” of black folks in the southern US in the 60s isn’t valuable I’m the discussion of racism in America?

              When their “lived experience” is “no, I’ve never seen any racism!” then no, it’s not really valuable, and it’s incredibly suspect to boot.

              It’s fine to want to move from anecdote to data

              Let’s just start with data. Anecdotes are supplementary. The way “lived experience” is usually used (and is used here) is to provide the primary support to an argument.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                Again you’re expecting a rigor beyond the venue of discussion, especially given that the person I replied to started with an anecdote as well.

                If you have data on the soundproofedness of apartments across the US to contextualize the common consensus to the level you expect I would be happy to browse it.

                Until then I’m comfortable believing anyone (as in the many commenters here) who say their apartment was loud. The several I lived in were as well so I have no reason to question it

                • @Cryophilia
                  21 year ago

                  you’re expecting a rigor beyond the venue of discussion

                  Maybe, but I’m trying to change that. I think we can all be smarter than just trading anecdotes.

                  And your post emphasizes my point. We’re talking about a preferred hypothetical society, while the point he was trying to make with his anecdote is that apartments are and always will be poorly soundproofed, world without end. Obviously it sounds absurd when you extrapolate it out to the societal level, but when you couch it in anecdotal terms it makes the argument seem worth discussing on the face of it. It’s not.

                  We can talk about how currently apartments are shoddy in the US, that’s a worthwhile discussion. But to be against the idea of apartments in general because apartments right now are poorly regulated is silly.

      • ElleChaise
        -51 year ago

        You’re speaking from a privileged minority viewpoint, most people don’t report living that way in apartments. I’ve lived extensively in both apartments and suburban homes, suburbs have always provided more peace and quiet. For every day that’s been too loud due to lawn machines (a lot of suburbs it’s only once a month for context) I’ve had a dozen more with people partying, stomping, fighting, shouting, grudge starting, complaint making, roach infestation having, shitty corporate landlord owning ruined days in city apartments. And they all costed a lot more. I’m paying half what I would in a city apartment for my suburban townhome with a lawn, and a park, and pool, and walikg trails, conveniently nearby all amenities in my area.

        That’s the part y’all need to adopt to get people on your side by the way; assure people who like suburbs that your plan isn’t to tear down their existing environments for new ones. We’re scared shitless you’re all gonna try to force us into boxes, many of us will fight violently to oppose such action. Make it clear you’re talking only about NEW developments and I think most people will support your cause. I do in principle, but the selfish American in me isn’t about to give up my already existing paradise for your apartment block, especially when you provide no answers to the corporate landlord landscape we’re operating in. Those of us who have been alive long enough know these plans usually end in lost livelihoods and destroyed dreams, the true benefits only going to the upper echelon of the highest earning capitalists.

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          If they built more apartments, apartments with good sound proofing would be more common. I used to live in Taiwan, and every cheap apartment I lived in had excellent sound proofing.

          Once there is more competition in the apartment/condo market, quality will go up.

          • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
            131 year ago

            Exactly. When there is a housing shortage, landlords and developers have no meaningful competition, therefore they can offer sub-par housing for too-high prices.

            Build more housing, make landlords sweat about vacancy, and you’ll see higher-quality units spring up like magic.

            My city, Montreal, for instance, has perhaps the most affordable and YIMBY housing market in a major North American city, and the result is rents are cheap (by big city in North America standards), quality of life is very high, and landlords have much less negotiating power. For example, I was able to negotiate my rent down before moving in, and it’s also quite rare to see all manner of onerous restrictions like pet bans in apartments here.

            When landlords have a credible fear of vacancy, they can’t afford to scare off prospective tenants with high rents, poor sound insulation, and pet bans.

        • @Cryophilia
          111 year ago

          Well that’s a plain ridiculous fear, you think government thugs are going to go door to door through the suburbs rounding up homeowners and forcing them into apartments?

          The idea is to build enough, at a high enough quality, and at a price point, where it’s more appealing to new buyers.

      • blanketswithsmallpox
        1 year ago

        Rural neighbors. Even worse. Cowshit, ag runoff ruining our waterways, heavy machinery blocking streets, Trump flags inside every house and old boys racism everywhere the moment you’re ‘in’ with them.

        Instead of loud neighbors you have to deal with white trash family fights and drunk driving everywhere. Meanwhile everyone has a chip on their shoulder about city and suburban people ruining their world somehow yet they never participate in any of it lmfao.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          31 year ago

          You’re still too close if you can hear all that.

          And I rather like the smell of cow shit

        • @rambaroo
          1 year ago

          I never hear my neighbors in a rural area. This community is so blatantly full of shit it’s laughable. As if you don’t deal with white trash or drunk drivers anywhere else. Instead in an apartment the white trash are banging each other with the windows open and getting arrested at 3 am with 8 cop cars flashing their lights in the parking lot.

          No one listens to ideas from fuckcars-type people because they’re gaslighting lies that no one except other niche weirdos sympathizes with. Please do keep trying to tell rural people how much worse their situation is than living in an apartment. You don’t sound like a condescending jerk at all.

          You could have just admitted there are pros and cons to both but instead you go on this gaslighting crusade to try prove someone else’s lived experience wrong. Good luck with that approach, no one is listening to you except other weirdos.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Sure, I doubt there is anyone here against rural self-sustained living, it is probably one of the more eco-friendly and humane way of living.

        But once frequent car trip and road maintainance cames into equation, it might not be the most eco-friendly way any more. I understand not everyone cares about their fellow human being, but this is the point this post is trying to make.

        • LanternEverywhere
          1 year ago

          iirc, the further away you live from a city then the worse you impact the environment. Unless you’re literally a fully self-sustaining homesteader with no roads or utilities anywhere near you, then living in a city is basically always better for the environment.

          • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
            161 year ago

            Turns out commuting by a gasoline-powered car on a sea of asphalt roads every day is bad for the planet. Who’d have thought?

          • @Cryophilia
            11 year ago

            That’s starting to change with solar power and EVs. I could see a small number of mostly off the grid homesteaders in a sustainable future. But they’d have to pay for the privilege

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      101 year ago

      Suburbs are the worst of both worlds. Gimme a cave on the top of the mountain miles from anywhere, thanks.

    • Uranium3006
      71 year ago

      All the fun of overbearing neighbors telling you what you can or can’t do with all the inability to take the train anywhere

    • Fredsshilksirt
      51 year ago

      don’t forget the dudebros driving around blasting bass every 20min. I hope they all go deaf. peacocking morons.

      • @bustrpoindextr
        101 year ago

        Yes, that doesn’t happen in cities at all.

      • @rambaroo
        21 year ago

        Cities are 100x worse for noise levels.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      It’d take it over the sound of the upstairs neighbor fucking his microwave while bowling at the same time

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I don’t know about that. I don’t live in America and I’ve never lived in suburbs. I have lived in flats (apartments) and in dense areas.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I lived both in dense neighborhoods, rural neighborhoods, and suburbs. Trust me, the more things you give your neighbor to do, the more shenanigans they will make, especially in place where everyone is bored out of their mind.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I don’t care how much they do, I care about how close they all are to me while they do it.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            What about going to your doorstep to tell you that you need to maintain a lawn? your door needs to be a certain color? Or you cannot park your car on your own property? Or you cannot park somewhere simply because "they have always parked there? Or deafening motor noise that can be heard a block away right across the road from you? leaf blower and lawn mower so loud that literally require the person to wear a head phone to operate safely, right next to your house?

            These are just a few things I have seen in the suburbs. Are these count as “close enough to you”?

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                No, I have experience none of these in the cities, because a lot of time, there is no HOA, most places do not have lawns, and I dont need a car in the city.

                Also there are in general lawn mowing and leaf blowing are much more moderate in city, because they know they are surrounded by people.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  I have experience none of these in the cities

                  I grew up in a house in a city with a garden with a lawn which had to be regularly mowed with a lawnmower. We don’t have "HOA"s in our country.

                  Also there are in general lawn mowing and leaf blowing are much more moderate in city, because they know they are surrounded by people.

                  Wow. Your country is very different from my country.