• Dojan
    1901 year ago

    You can still have trees and plant life in low density housing. You don’t need green deserts everywhere.

        • @[email protected]
          281 year ago

          We used to be a great nation… Invading… Murdering… Stealing… Imposing grass deserts… Now we have left the EU, are implementing government spyware and have no plans to make anything better…

          I don’t remember what my point was, but England is shit and I don’t want to be here anymore.

      • @Serinus
        -91 year ago

        I don’t know. They seem pretty natural in a lot of places.

        I didn’t plant my lawn. I don’t water it. It has just always been there.

        • @jj4211
          31 year ago

          Of course you probably mow and trim. So still pretty unnatural. Natural Flora tends to look better even without obsessive maintenance. A robot mower was critical for me to actually not mind having to have a grass lawn.

          Sucks for pollinators though…

          • @Serinus
            21 year ago

            We do keep a couple patches of wildflowers.

            • @jj4211
              41 year ago

              You just made my hoa froth at the mouth a little.

      • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
        491 year ago

        Yup, tons more parking and tons more road space per capita as well. Low-density sprawl just needs a lot more stuff per capita.

        • @WhatAmLemmy
          351 year ago

          They should pay a significant land tax instead of leeching off the high-density dwellers.

          • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
            1 year ago

            Funny you say that as I’m the creator and mod of [email protected]

            For others curious about land value taxes:

            A land value tax (LVT) is a levy on the value of land without regard to buildings, personal property and other improvements.[1] It is also known as a location value tax, a point valuation tax, a site valuation tax, split rate tax, or a site-value rating.

            Land value taxes are generally favored by economists as they do not cause economic inefficiency, and reduce inequality.[2] A land value tax is a progressive tax, in that the tax burden falls on land owners, because land ownership is correlated with wealth and income.[3][4] The land value tax has been referred to as “the perfect tax” and the economic efficiency of a land value tax has been accepted since the eighteenth century.[1][5][6]

            LVT’s efficiency has been observed in practice.[18] Fred Foldvary stated that LVT discourages speculative land holding because the tax reflects changes in land value (up and down), encouraging landowners to develop or sell vacant/underused plots in high demand. Foldvary claimed that LVT increases investment in dilapidated inner city areas because improvements don’t cause tax increases. This in turn reduces the incentive to build on remote sites and so reduces urban sprawl.[19] For example, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s LVT has operated since 1975. This policy was credited by mayor Stephen R. Reed with reducing the number of vacant downtown structures from around 4,200 in 1982 to fewer than 500.[20]

            LVT is arguably an ecotax because it discourages the waste of prime locations, which are a finite resource.[21][22][23] Many urban planners claim that LVT is an effective method to promote transit-oriented development.[24][25]

            Further, it can’t be passed on to tenants, both in economic theory and in observed practice, and even a milquetoast LVT – such as in the Australian Capital Territory – can have positive impacts:

            It reveals that much of the anticipated future tax obligations appear to have been already capitalised into lower land prices. Additionally, the tax transition may have also deterred speculative buyers from the housing market, adding even further to the recent pattern of low and stable property prices in the Territory. Because of the price effect of the land tax, a typical new home buyer in the Territory will save between $1,000 and $2,200 per year on mortgage repayments.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              At least give some kind of mention to Henry George for being the magnificent bastard that came up with this. His history is fascinating and most people don’t know who he is because he pissed off all the major landowners (ivy league colleges) who blackballed even mention of his name.

              • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                11 year ago

                A fellow georgist, I see! But yeah, the legacy section on his wikipedia page is absolutely insane, and yet I had never even heard of him before about 2 years ago (which of course led to me promptly becoming georgist). Not a whole lot of people learn about the guy and about georgism without swiftly becoming a georgist themselves lol.

            • @Cryophilia
              21 year ago

              Sounds like it could have a lot of loopholes like any tax scheme but as long as those are addressed, this looks like a reasonable proposal.

              • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                1 year ago

                That’s actually the beauty of LVT – the government already knows who owns what land (the landowner has the deed), and land can’t be hidden or offshored. You may try having shell companies, but the tax bill comes due regardless. The reason shell companies work for avoiding other taxes is because they can allow you to offshore your on-paper profits to tax havens. LVT doesn’t tax you on profits, so it doesn’t matter where the profits are on paper. Similar for income or sales taxes, income and sales can be done cash-only and hidden.

                • @Cryophilia
                  21 year ago

                  Off the top of my head I’m imagining the infinite loan scheme, but modified a bit, where the vast bulk of your wealth is in securities and then you “rent” a property from a company for like $1 a year. The company doesn’t pay its taxes, it goes bankrupt, a new company is created, and the process starts again. YOU never owe taxes, the COMPANY owes taxes and could get deductions on any number of bogus things and then worst case just declare bankruptcy and fold.

                  This could be addressed, but it’s similar to people saying Mac or Linux is immune to viruses. If they get popular enough, they’ll need antivirus software.

                  Similarly, no tax scheme is immune to loopholes, but as long as they’re addressed, it’s not a point against it.

                  • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                    1 year ago

                    You’re correct that you could have a loophole through that method, but property taxes also have that method. I think the most logical solution would be for the city to be able to repossess the land if the taxes have not been paid on it in, say, 2 years, regardless of ownership. Gives one year of leniency in case of genuine liquidity issues, but avoids being able to skirt the law with corporate bankruptcies.

                    But, of course, if you write an LVT law with exemptions, deductions, special cases, etc., you make it very prone to evasion like any tax system with those does. At the end of the day, it does definitely come down to implementation.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    I think you are implying there’s deductions against land value tax but there typically isn’t.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 year ago

                  To somebody else’s point, how would this compare to the what single family home owners pay now?

                  Where I live we have about .09 acres of land our house sits on and we pay ~$3000/year.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    It really depends on where the land is as it’s based on value. If you are talking about replacing property taxes with land value taxes typically it’s just a rate on the value but in this case it’s just the land value so a higher rate but only applies to land. If you could figure out the total land value in your neighbourhood you could figure it out.

                    As for who is affected, single family homes on the outskirts probably see a drop in taxes while those in the inner city and vacant plots see a large increase.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    You might live in a place which already has some form of land value tax. Although a key distinction is that LVT is a tax on just the value of the land, not the value of the entire property that includes buildings, landscaping, ect. …

          • @AA5B
            31 year ago

            Seems like a good way to get a lot of retired folk to lose their property over taxes, as land value rises above their means

            • @Cryophilia
              21 year ago

              Sounds like they should sell their house - which has netted them a nice profit - and downsize. Or do a reverse mortgage.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                And move where? Why have retired people (who are most likely on a fixed income and have paid off their home in some cases) to move from a home they’ve paid off to an apartment/living center with obscene monthly payments? Or introduce another ever rising tax on something they should have been able to age peacefully in without as much financial worry? That seems cruel. I’m no fan of boomers, but damn.

                I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties. You can have your primary residence, but every home after that accrues a higher and higher tax. Especially on LLCs.

                • @Cryophilia
                  31 year ago

                  If tax goes up, it’s because the value of your asset has gone up. Either sell it or do a reverse mortgage. I have no pity for those profiting from the system, regardless of their age. Fuck you, Grandma, pay your taxes.

                  I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties.

                  That’s definitely part of it, and more important than taxes on primary residence. But we should do both.

                • @AA5B
                  11 year ago

                  I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties

                  I think we have that where I live, although after 20+ years of owning I still don’t really understand property taxes here.

                  Anyhow, the property tax has a basic definition but I believe you get a reduction in assessed value for primary residence. That effectively taxes second homes more

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              There won’t be any other taxes for them to pay, so they will have more purchasing power. Chances are, they’re still going to have the same place unless that retired guy decides to build a hotel or something on it.

      • Dojan
        41 year ago

        I don’t really care. As a lifelong apartment dweller; I hate people and want nothing to do with them. Get me a house far away from civilisation and I’ll be happy. Communal space, my arsehole.

        • @rexxit
          91 year ago

          This is the insanity of people who advocate for densified housing, IMO. I loathe apartments and attached dwellings. It’s like a dystopian future where you can’t own anything or have private space. If I never have to share a wall or floor with someone again, it will be too soon.

          • @Cryophilia
            51 year ago

            It’s like a dystopian future where you can’t own anything or have private space.

            That’s our dystopian, low-density present.

            • @rexxit
              31 year ago

              I’ve lived in 4 major cities including NYC, and several small cities. The small cities and green suburbs are light years better than the dense urban hellscapes, without exception. Apartment living is also universally awful. There’s nothing desirable to me about what you idealize.

              • @rambaroo
                31 year ago

                Don’t bother. The regulars on this sub are totally out of touch with reality and normal people.

                • @rexxit
                  11 year ago

                  I guess if I really wanted to scream at a wall, I’d make a c/fuck-fuckcars. These people are beyond help, but I hope they grow out of it so I don’t have to live in high density hell because infinite growth is just accepted as normal.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Yeah, they’re welcome to go live in a box surrounded by crazy people - personally I’d rather be in a box six feel under than crammed in with them.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          In this case, the communal space is a forest far from housing. You can avoid people by walking alone through the forest.

          I think that’s a better experience than walking around your backyard

          • Dojan
            1 year ago

            I suppose since my country is very low population but very large I don’t really see the problem. Everyone could have a house here and we’d still have plenty of room to space.

            Sweden has a population of 10.5 million, ish, and an area of 447k square kilometres. Germany by contrast, has a population of around 80 million, and an area of 357k square kliometres.

            That said, I believe low density can work just fine. You don’t need highrises to improve population storage efficiency. Simple two-three story buildings work just fine too.

            You could also lower the population, something modern society is managing just fine right now anyway. I personally really don’t believe overpopulation is going to be a significant problem in the long run.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Everyone could have a house here and we’d still have plenty of room to space.

              You may not run out of wildlands, but if everyone is in large enough houses, it becomes difficult to get to the wildlands (or anywhere else you need to go) without using a car. For various reasons, [email protected], is against designing cities around cars.

              That said, I believe low density can work just fine. You don’t need highrises to improve population storage efficiency. Simple two-three story buildings work just fine too

              I agree. The problem comes when you have large houses with big yards. If you instead have rowhouses, you have plenty of density to avoid car dependency (if the city is designed properly).