• @[email protected]
    -39 months ago

    Identiy politics is so silly. It’s possible for a black person to support systemic racism, it’s possible for a Jewish person to support Nazi’s, it’s possible for LGBTQ people to support anti-LGBTQ politicians. Case in point - Jessica Watkins.

    “I am x-identity” is lazy, superficial, irrelevant.

    I don’t think anyone is lying about their identity. I do fully expect that the trans men and women of Hexbear would throw their LGBTQ brothers and sisters in front of a firing squad if it meant a chance at a bloody revolution over the bourgeois.

    • mycorrhiza they/them
      9 months ago


      • @[email protected]
        -29 months ago

        You have support for Trump and Russia in there, which is an unholy alliance stripping LGBTQ protections in law, funding transphobic and Neo-Naxi groups, and spreading fascist rhetoric online.

        • mycorrhiza they/them
          9 months ago

          “support for Russia” — opposition to NATO is not support for Russia. This isn’t a fucking football game.

          “support for Trump” — The other day I sent you a huge thread where they all fucking hate Trump and agree he is an odious fascist.

          Hexbear does not support Trump. The consensus view on hexbear is that Trump is more dangerous domestically, but Biden is more dangerous internationally, and they are both monstrous people who are terrible for the planet. Many hexbears voted for biden as harm reduction but it barely felt like harm reduction, and when you look at the whole planet, maybe it wasn’t. Trump is a fascist but also an isolationist. Biden is not a fascist, although he does virtually nothing to combat the fascists, but he is also more likely to start wars, coups, or inflict austerity on the global south, which is something people should care about. 9 million people starve to death every fucking year and America has huge international influence to make that worse or better. America supported the fucking siege in Yemen. America destroyed Libya — and that was the fucking Obama administration. I saw a study that tallied it all up and concluded that America has caused the deaths of 4.5 million people in the middle east since 9/11. And for that matter, Biden’s not great domestically either! There’s been virtually no pushback from the Biden administration against any of the fascist bullshit happening in this country. Florida legalized kidnapping children for forced conversion therapy and Biden won’t even say the word trans.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            support for Trump" — The other day I sent you a huge thread where they all fucking hate Trump and agree he is an odious fascist.

            Lol, not really. We can dig it up and look at the highest rated posts again. Hexbear wants to execute him along with the rest of the US presidents, which is obviously just a fantasy. “All presidents are bad, both sides are the same, Trump is at least funny and kind of authentic and triggers the libs” was the overwhelming sentiment.

            Trump is a fascist but also an isolationist.

            Lol, no, he’s not an isolationist. He’s a globalist business man, and a wanna-be dictator imperialist, who is happy to be friends and allies with the other dictator imperialists of the world.

            (Biden) is more likely to start wars

            What? According to who? Are you just going to pretend the assassination of Qasem Soleimani didn’t happen under Trump?

            Biden is very pro-Ukraine, which drives the pro-Russia people insane. I don’t know what else you could be talking about.

            There’s been virtually no pushback from the Biden administration against any of the fascist bullshit happening in this country.

            Trump rolled back LGBTQ rights and stacked SCOTUS with people to roll back women’s and LGBTQ rights, DeSantis leads the war on Trans people. It does NOT help LGBTQ causes to blame this on Biden. It does not help to say “well both sides are bad”. Fascists LOVE the “enlightened centrists” because it almost always benefits fascism.

            • HornyOnMain🏳️‍⚧️
              9 months ago

              Hexbear wants to execute him

              Please explain how wanting to see trump hung drawn and quartered for being a disgusting imperialist fascist is a pro Trump statement. Frankly if hexbear users could bring him back to live afterwards we’d happily want to see him brought back then hung, drawn and quartered a second time.

              If you don’t want to see Trump hung, drawn and quartered you are more pro trump than hexbear is.

              But also, “Identiy politics is so silly” is a massive fucking red flag, scratch a liberal and they start complaining about the woke mob

              lmao, this you?

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                If you don’t want to see Trump hung, drawn and quartered you are more pro trump than hexbear is

                I care about real life policy and results.

                I don’t think living in a fantasy of fetish violence makes you left or a left ally.

                “Identiy politics is so silly”

                Let me frame it in a way helpful to your confirmation bias. Zelenskyy is Jewish, does this automatically mean in the Russia invasion of Ukraine that Russians are the Nazis and Ukrainians aren’t? Identity politics.

                lmao, this you?

                100% yes, and I have learned that thinking neopronouns are unnecessary and silly makes me a transphobe, and transphobes deserve the firing squad.

                I have not heard exactly how many and which neopronouns I have to learn before I’ve hexbeared hard enough to not get the firing squad.

                • HornyOnMain🏳️‍⚧️
                  9 months ago

                  There’s a big difference between wanting trump to die and thinking that trump will actually be executed or suffer any real consequences for his crimes beyond a slap on the wrist and maybe some house arrest - of course Trump won’t face justice, like Bush, like Clinton, like Obama and like Biden he will only ever fall upwards and live comfortably for the rest of his life. Wanting awful people to face justice isn’t “living in fantasy land” it’s just being dissaffected with the reality that evil people will never face any kind of justice - I also want my country to be actually accepting of trans people and for the NHS to work as it should and for the police to not be institutionally racist, but I know it’s not going to happen.

                  And regarding the identity politics thing, I agree regarding liberal identity politics when Im talking with a materialist communist who’s criticising it from a left wing perspective but you’re not a communist, you’re a “”“liberal”“” criticising it from a right wing perspective because you’re mad that trans people are daring to criticise Biden and to call you a transphobe for being transphobic.
                  If your “allyship” that is entirely conditional on trans people being respectable and heteronormative enough for you to accept entirely consists of talking down to those trans people you do accept and telling them that they’re not allowed to criticise Biden too much or your fragile “allyship” will be retracted then it isn’t worth shit.

                  relevant MLK quote

                  I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

                  • Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail
                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    I have to admit I think it’s weird that afab men and amab women or any nonbinary thems are now considered heteronormative.

                    Set the firing squad on me because I say that’s stupid.

            • mycorrhiza they/them
              19 months ago

              We can dig it up

              Yeah, lets, instead of you cherry picking shit and distorting the intent behind it. Here’s the fucking thread. Holy shit, the consensus view is fucking exactly what I said it is.

              As for thinking Trump is funny, the overwhelming view in Hexbear is extremely bleak. People struggle with depression and doomerism. They laugh to cope.

              Here are hexbears talking about why they laugh at Trump






              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                Yeah that’s exactly how I remember it. “All US presidents bad, at least Trump is funny”.

                As for thinking Trump is funny, the overwhelming view in Hexbear is extremely bleak. People struggle with depression and doomerism. They laugh to cope.

                Maybe this is a real intention that I’m misinterpreting. It looks a lot like edgy Heath Ledger joker “just wants to watch the world burn”, fine if the fascists are the ones to do it. I’m willing to consider it’s just misplaced doomerism.

                • mycorrhiza they/them
                  9 months ago

                  if you think anyone on hexbear wants to watch the fucking world burn, you clearly have no fucking idea what any of these people think or believe or care about. I’m honestly struggling to even respond to this. It just shows complete ignorance, and then that you would go on and on for days slandering this community you know nothing about, with complete confidence, even after people contradict you and argue with you… I mean what the fuck do I say to someone who thinks a community whose entire set of political beliefs orients toward defending the poor and the marginalized from the monstrous psychopaths who rule this planet — wants to watch the fucking world burn? Please stop saying shit about hexbear when you do not know anything about these people.

                  • @[email protected]
                    09 months ago

                    I’ll take the L that I only have a week of exposure to Hexbear, and it might be the worst week, given that Hexbears were all excited to “dunk on the shitlibs” and actually doing real life helpful productive things for marginalized and oppressed groups took a back seat on the burner.

                    In my not-very-important opinion from my short exposure, y’all have completely lost the plot. You would say edgy shock factor things for an internet point circle jerk , even if you’re giving ammo to the right. I think you all would rather LARP being leftist revolutionaries, fantasize about executions, you like driving people away from leftism because it reinforces your identity of being the most left.

                    If you really wanted to protect the poor and marginalized, I think you all would take the clue and reevaluate if you really value making the world a better place, and what you’re doing to achieve that.