My parents are 57 and 63. My mother is erratic, forgetful, and when she gets mad she sometimes screams and throws things. My father is slowly going deaf, getting slower and more stubborn and forgetful as well. They can be infuriating sometimes, but I know that they’re aging and I can’t be mad at them. How do I deal with this, especially early on in preparation for further down the road?

    • zoe
      1 year ago

      it took two to take care of one person. it took only 10 years for me to become almost autonomous, but still only financially dependant. i cant as a single person take care of two people, not only 10 years, but basically 30 years or how long they will last while becoming more vegetable. at least i was a vegetable for the first 4 years…the nerve of some people…personal responsability…what does it even have with all of this ?