Why YSK: It’s cleaner, cheaper and more convenient than toilet paper

  • Nora
    112 years ago

    I keep seeing bidets recommended. Ive thought about getting one, but I’m not sure.

    Are there any vagina owners here that can testify to them? I’m worried it will just spray poop up into my bits.

    • czech
      122 years ago

      My girlfriend loves the bidet. You will not spray poop up into your bits but I get your concern. We also have a dial, on ours, to change the angle to vagina-mode. Great for periods, allegedly, but it blasts me in the balls if I don’t notice.

      • kreekybonez
        52 years ago

        occasional ball-blasting from frigid intake water is a small price to pay for a squeaky-clean b-hole

    • @optissima
      102 years ago

      The water is not pulled from the bowl, it’s fed from the same pipe your tank pulls from. They’re great, but if your water is cold, well you have to brace yourself.

    • @minimar
      42 years ago

      possessors of the vagina

    • stankmut
      22 years ago

      I’ve never had it spray poop into my bits, so you should be good.