• 👁️👄👁️
    11 year ago

    Uh yeah and the game today is very different then it was in the 00s. As much as I wish I was a 10 year old mindlessly killing goblins all day for next to no experience, people optimize their exp/hr nowadays, and that requires Runelite. Mobile is good for when you want to do woodcutting while on the toilet though.

      01 year ago

      YOU min/max your xp/hr, not everyone. Some of us just enjoy fishing on karamja and chatting or chopping some trees and talking shit in draynor or making deals at the GE. So many people that have gone into min/max mode assume that everyone does the same barrows run with them 40 times a day when that isn’t the case, the majority of us don’t care about 2/3 tick this or that or best t-bow drop rates, we just enjoy the game whatever way we want to enjoy it