I went searching for this and the only thing I could find were more people looking for a community similar to r/twoxchromosomes so I created it. I’m not a mod or a creator of the original subreddit, if any of those people find this and would like to join as a mod, absolutely let me know.

  • @Chocrates
    31 year ago

    Can we rename communities? We may want to do the work now since it is new. Any ideas for names? I am male identifying so I shouldn’t get a vote.

    • MadgePickles
      1 year ago

      I agree, "it’s inclusive! Just not the name " it makes it hard for me to share posts from the sub with others. But it’s always been one of the subs I connect with most. But like me many will come here looking. My vote is that we create a new sub with an inclusive name and direct everyone who comes here looking for the original group to the new place